Media Features
Positively New Jersey
In October 2021, I was interviewed by News 12 New Jersey's correspondent Brian Donohue for his Positively New Jersey local television segment.
Brian attended the Institute for Advanced Study's daily afternoon tea gathering to interview a selection of scholars. He profiled my research and social media presence on the show.
National Treasures Podcast
In March 2021, I was featured on the National Treasures podcast, hosted by comedy duo Laura Lexx and Will Duggan.
I spoke about favourite museum: the Ashmolean in Oxford, and discussed everything from my PhD research to my dream museum exhibition. I also challenged Laura and Will to an museum-themed quiz, with hilarious results!
Google Arts & Culture
In early 2021, I collaborated with 3D scanning and printing non-profit Scan the World to create a 1:1 plaster cast of one of their 3D prints, a bust of Italian noblewoman Costanza Bonarelli originally made in marble by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the 1630s.
I created a highly precise reproduction and documented the process with high quality imagery. I also produced descriptive text to accompany the images. The work is now featured on Google Arts & Culture.