Media Creation
I have produced blog content and conducted social media management for museums, galleries, and academic projects, as well as marketing my own PhD research via these means.
I also have a strong track record of producing non-scholarly advertorial content for a wide audience on my own lifestyle blog.
Content Creation
Crawford Art Gallery
I helped Crawford Art Gallery to shift its user engagement online during the COVID-19 lockdown. I created a Sculpture Secrets campaign, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the material and making of the museum’s statues. Working closely with assistant curator Michael Waldron, I produced written and photographic content for the Gallery’s website, and collaborated with the Gallery’s social media team to promote the series on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I also independently produced a video to promote the series. When the Gallery secured a Cork Digital Marketing Award for 2020, my initiative was credited as one of the reasons behind this win.

New Futures for Replicas Blog
In October 2020, I contributed to the New Futures for Replicas blog, created by the University of Stirling. Building on the research of Dr Sally Foster and Prof. Sian Jones, the blog explores the unique ways in which reproductions extend our understanding of the relationships between people, places and things.
My post detailed a creative educational workshop that I lead at the Ashmolean Museum, where adult amateur artists produced their own plaster cast reproductions, inspired by those within the Ashmolean's historic collection.
Mummy Stories Blog
In May 2020, I contributed to the successful Mummy Stories blog, founded by museum researcher Dr Angela Stienne. The blog is a community platform aimed at changing the narrative surrounding human remains in museums. Contributors from across the globe have been sharing their views on the site since 2016.
I produced a post focused on my visit to Liverpool World Museum's Ancient Egypt galleries, highlighting the need to emphasise the humanity of not only the mummies' collectors but the mummies themselves within the display.

In April 2020, I produced a YouTube video demonstrating how to make a simple plaster cast at home. I also used this video to place the technique of casting in its historical context, sharing insights from my PhD research into the Ashmolean Museum's collection of historic reproductions.
The success of this casting video led to my subsequent collaboration with Scan the World, the results of which were featured on Google Arts & Culture.
Social Media Management
In February 2020, I began curating my own museums-focused Instagram page to discuss the key themes of my research, namely ancient art and its modern reproductions. My posts are informed by my studies and research, but they present art objects in a way that is accessible to a wide audience. The account has around 1k followers.
From February–October 2022, I managed the social media presence of the Institute for Advanced Study's Krateros Project. The Project is based in the IAS epigraphic library, which contains 30,000 paper "squeezes" (paper reproductions of ancient Greek and Roman inscriptions). The Krateros Project is currently digitizing these squeezes to create an open-access online repository of ancient epigraphy. In my role, I was tasked with using Instagram to raise awareness of the historic squeeze collection and promote the ongoing digitization work.
I am also manage the social media profile of Dr Chris Hamilton, a theoretical physicist based at the Institute for Advanced Study. Dr Hamilton aims to use his Instagram feed to communicate his scientific research to a wide audience. I am responsible for taking the great majority of the photographs for the page, storyboarding posts and "reel" videos, conducting hashtag research, and ensuring the accessibility of each piece of written content.
Freelance Blogging
Abbey Louisa Rose Personal Blog
In 2016, I launched my eponymous lifestyle blog: https:///www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk.
I built the blog and social media following from scratch, primarily using Twitter and Instagram. My social media presence peaked at ~15,000 followers, with my site reaching ~4,000 unique monthly readers. Using my blog, I created content on a freelance basis for a number of big-name brands:

Feb 2021, Jan 2020, and Jan 2019
I collaborated with Hotels.com on several occasions to promote accommodation in Kensington, Birmingham, and Liverpool. I was sent on press visits to the cities and produced blog posts outlining their attractions.

Apr 2019, Jan 2019, and Nov 2018
I was regularly commissioned by ADEXE Watches to promote their women’s and men’s products. My blog posts and social media promotion saw me become the brand’s top posts-to-sales converter for early 2019.

July 2017
I worked with McDonald's to promote their new-look store in Didcot, Oxford and their Signature Collection burgers. I produced a blog post, original photography, and associated social media promotion.